Citibank Poland

We were tasked with revamping Citibank Poland’s website, aiming to redefine how a bank can better serve its users. Our focus was on streamlining process flows and removing nested functions to simplify navigation. By prioritising a seamless, user-centric experience, we empowered users to accomplish their tasks and make informed decisions with greater ease and efficiency.

Bank products are inherently complex, influenced by legal constraints and legacy systems. Our initial step was a deep dive into understanding the existing product, ensuring our design solution aligned seamlessly with all business requirements. A key challenge was redesigning the mobile experience to present a substantial amount of information effectively while maintaining an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

How we get there
We approached this section by first identifying the core problems. From there, we diverged into a range of explorations before converging on the most effective solution. At the end of each sprint, we conducted multiple rounds of user testing to gather valuable feedback, iterating on the design until it met all user and business needs.

The launch of the new platform was met with great success. Within just a few days, over 92,000 customers logged in, with only 2% reverting to the previous design. The platform received positive user feedback and was featured on several prominent finance sites in Poland.


Client: Citibank Poland
Role: Senior Product Designer

The dashboard features a clean, uncluttered design, providing users with quick access to essential information. Features like “Upcoming Activities” enable users to easily keep track of their payments and transfers, ensuring a more organized financial experience.
Manage Card
A streamlined “Manage Card” section provides users with a clear overview of all their cards at a glance. It also allows them to easily access and adjust settings for each card, ensuring full control in just a few clicks.

A smart instalment payment process that highlights eligible transactions for instalment plans, significantly simplifying and accelerating the entire process, making it quick and effortless for users to set up instalments.

Instalment process flow
We needed to consider how a user might enter the process when designing a flow. This ensures the flow is streamlined, eliminating unnecessary steps for the user while still fulfilling business requirements.

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