Thank you for this. For inspiration, consider Gustav Dursts reasoning for the affair in a letter from Strahd that can be found in the Secret Room. Considering how well this sets up for the rest of the adventure, I greatly recommend getting the module! Make sure you follow the rest of this Curse of Strahd DM Guide. 8 Real-Life Skills Youll Develop By Playing D&D, 12 Monsters That Will Instantly Kill Characters, 7 Types of D&D Players You Will Have In Your Group, 9 Powerful Tips to Engage Players in Your D&D Game. The Essential Books EVERY Game Master Should Read, Immersive Theatre Techniques for Game Masters, Turn & Destroy Undead in D&D 5e Explained, The Ultimate Guide to Warlock Patrons in D&D 5e. Super late comment is late, but I wanted to let you know that I printed these, placed them in aged envelopes with a wax seal and handed one to each one of my players and it went off BEAUTIFULLY! Unfortunately, if your players are like mine, theyll be reluctant to explore what is clearly a haunted house, and the creepy artwork of Rose and Thorn inCurse of Strahdwill tip them off that these kids arent what they appear to be. Not all of them need to be visited, your group might skip some parts of the house or the dungeon. Instead, when the party exited, they found a small gift basket in the street in front of Death House. Honestly, the story behind the adventure is incredibly grim and might be off-putting to some groups. She deserves more development, especially in a stripped-down Death House emphasizing the evil nature of the Dursts. Players destroyed the statue of Strahd at Death House. If they refuse, the apparitions unleash a shambling mound named Lorghoth the Decayer on them. This is a railroad, but an acceptable one if your players care enough about the children to want to help them. If an entire army of Knights could not defeat Strahd, what hope does your party have? Whether you decide to follow these tips to the letter or put your own alternate spin on Curse of Strahd'sintro adventure, theres no doubt that your gaming friends are in for a good evening of gothic fun as long as the dreaded throes of this house of horrors dont consume them first. Death House comes with a beautiful map, but for a quick Halloween game, its faster to avoid all of the deliberations that occur whenever players see a selection of rooms for them to explore. Tsolenka Pass is relatively isolated from the rest of Barovia, making it quite an unsettling, lonely path for the party to travel down. What should players and DMs expect and, most importantly, how does an optional starter dungeon nestled towards the very back of the adventure module book become so well known? 6.Upper Hall.- Theres a portrait of the Durst family. I am actually in the process of setting this up as a one-shot for some of my experienced gamer friends. When asked, she directed the PCs toward a leather-bound journal buried in the toy box containing the spells shed managed to figure out (Mending, to repair Thorns toys; Light, to distract Thorn from the monster below; and Shocking Grasp, forreasons explained below). This video discusses the death house dungeon encounter disasters that you want to avoid in the curse of strahd adventure for dungeons & dragons 5e. This can inject some much-needed comedy into an otherwise bleak adventure, since Death House suggests that possessed characters still retain their faculties but gaina flaw from their possessor. A big boss fight is coming up and you want the party to expend some resources, but still have some fight in them for the boss encounter! if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tabletopjoab_com-box-4','ezslot_8',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-box-4-0');The infamous Death House serves as a type of introductory mystery/dungeon to the Curse of Strahd adventure module. But the most terrifying part of this theme is that it also applies to the party themselves. Its almost as difficult and disturbing as the Old Bonegrinder in the same adventure! It is also included in the Curse of Strahd adventure module on page 211 under Appendix B. Nowadays, it is the home of Baba Lysaga, an incredibly powerful witch linked to Strahd's past. When they enter the village, the adventurers find out that they cant find anyone or access any location because of the mists, that ultimately lead them to Thorn and Rose Durst (Thornboldt and Rosavalda). The usual response to this encounter is retreat. Argynvostholt is a castle-like manor full of corruption and despair. It is a very fun encounter against an enemy who cannot be beaten. Theres no shortage of fantastic adventure modules available for D&D 5e. Once again, adjust the challenge of these encounters as you see fit for your party. The land is grim and desolate. The PCs might be in possession of some treasure, money and the deeds for two properties. Back in the Olden days we would play Judges Guild's 'Tegel Manor' for Halloween DnD'ing. Beware, for massive spoilers await! Luke is a list writer for TheGamer, based in the UK. As the enormous thing crawls towards you, you see bodily remains of humans buried in its putrid body.. The goal is to lure the party into the house. Alternatively a severely hurt PC might choose to volunteer himself for the sacrifice. Two ghosts can easily kill a level 1 party, however they are not aggressive and even if a fight starts, the two children are more likely to flee than to attack. Your email address will not be published. Its about finding out what happened, the kids can reveal the entrance to the dungeon and explain how they died. Consider also reducing the number of ghouls and/or shadows in the Dungeon Level. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Quality content, cartography, and adventures for fantasy games. Here, the children seize full control over their hosts bodies. You want this to be fun, scary, and challenging. Which makes for a really fast way to level up from level 1 to 3. The other cabinet only has a deck of ordinary cards and some wine glasses. But, this is Strahd's home, and the battle will not be easy. Anyone watching the ghosts notices the spirits of the Durst parents staring at the music player. You can find the Death House adventure here for free from Wizards of the Coast. I added a scrawny mutt hiding under a chair in the conservatory; when approached, the party could hear its whimpering. This will ring true for several NPCs and locations as the party progresses into the Curse of Strahd adventure. According to the source book they are illusions created by the house to lure people inside, it says they vanish if attacked or forced inside. Den of Wolves.- There are two cabinets that can be lock picked, one of them contains a heavy crossbow, a light crossbow and 20 bolts. The final confrontation in Death House is an odd one. You cant just go ahead and say Its a Shambling Mound. Maybe as a specter, she now desires vengeance more than anything else and mourns for her son. Press J to jump to the feed. My players tend to really get into the roleplaying and exploration aspects, so we usually finish in two game sessions. Both DeiGratia and Abuget can be downloaded over at Not only does the party piece together clues of the Durst familys descent into madness, but they get a sample of the themes present within the story to come in the Curse of Strahd adventure! The book says that players retain control but have to take a temporal flaw and role play accordingly (page 217). This site works best with JavaScript enabled. I never thought of that. Death House is that deadly. Death House is a modern Dungeons & Dragons horror classic. Heading further up Mount Ghakis, it is also freezing cold at night. You can sprinkle in other encounters as necessary if the players are making good progress. 9. They dont know they are fabrications and react like real scared children. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. However, that feels a little ham-fisted. Death House is a meat grinder meant to kill low-level players. Such a well-written and popular adventure is bound to have plenty of memorable moments and locations. Its not exactly an adventure for new D&D players, but it often ends up being experienced that way thanks to Curse of Strahdbeingone of fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons' premiereadventures. The only thing I personally disliked about that section is the 'after finale' where you're escaping. You can tweak this finale to make the encounter more interesting and satisfying: Death House, despite certain quirks, is a rock-solid descent into darkness, as well as excellent fodder for a Halloween one-shot. The smoke worked great as a way to keep them moving. Recommended: I Had an AI Make a D&D Character (and it got really weird!). Required fields are marked *. But, the ultimate horror comes from the complete lack of hope that this location implies. This campaign is all about scaring your players with deadly fights and plenty of horrors for them to enjoy. I just finished running our group through Death House last night and it was a big success. Consider liking our Facebook page. Also PCs will find the houses deed and a deed to the mill near Vallaki. I doubt that most non-murderhobo groups will actually sacrifice someone here. What you get is impressive hi-def versions of my maps to be used in your RPG games (these have lower resolution), and the satisfaction of helping the rpg community grow bigger and stronger. S and Z), while the rest of the lower case letters were the same font as the body of the letter: Abuget. Each seemed to depict an adventurer of some type. ), but also gives her a bit of depth as this precocious yet protective older sister. Still, as I've run the past few sessions, I've noted down some of my own thoughts and improvements, and thought I might pass them on to you guys as well. 29. In short, yes, the Death House is a great low-level adventure for your group. Thats the foundation of storytelling for thousands of years! They will have no other choice (Hop on the railroad car). Running the Death House The main Curse of Strahd module encompasses levels 3-10. If the PCs decide to take a long rest in the house, allow them to roll an Intelligence check to recall the relative safety of the Servants Quarters. Be careful. Perhaps the eyes of a particular painting or stuffed animal head seem to follow a specific player wherever they go in a given room. They havent opened it yet, but Im hoping that theyll use the letter as an excuse to take an interest in Ismark when they arrive at the tavern. They double back to the one unexplored section of this dungeon level and descend a long stone staircase into darkness. By the end of the dungeon, the characters will be level 3. Id greatly recommend also checking out my article on running horror in your own D&D 5e games! A lot of good ideas to make the story flow. Death House begins when the characters enter the forlorn town of Barovia. There are plenty of deadly combat encounters that can take place here, from giant spiders to undead revenants and phantom warriors. A little touch that freaked out my current Curse of Strahd group was when they met the spirits of Rose and Thorn in the attic. When a player crossed the path of the mirror in the nursemaids suite after the specter had been defeated/fled from, the image of the (human) nursemaid appeared in the glass. All this can be achieved in 6-10 hours of playing. This kept them panicked, tense, and on their toes. Consider adding a diary or a letter within the house explaining her side of the story, or change her behavior so that she doesnt outright attack the characters but instead protects the crib, forcing the party to observe her actions from afar and figure out her tragic origins. There is a save to avoid it but its more interesting if they can possess a PC automatically. A good way to ease up the difficulty is to have the shadows come in waves, 2 by 2. Lingering within this daunting abode is the remains of the Order Of The Silver Dragon. (If youre feeling generous, or really want your players to see the entirety of the house in a quick Halloween night of gaming, you could even run it at 3rd level.). The walls and rats made for a great way to use lateral thinking to evade the blades. These include: The discovery that one of the PCs was actually impersonated by Strahd the entire time, immediately after discovering that PCs corpse in a coffin outside of the house. Well cover some of the changes that I make when Im running this dungeon for my groups later in this article. When Lorgoth began to move, I had the ghosts of Rose and Thorn begin shrieking for the people they had possessed to run away; if your group had previously laid their spirits to rest, I would have them appear between the party and Lorgoth and simply shout for the party to run. PCs can find a Cloak of Protection as treasure, plus a spellbook. This didnt come up, but if the party had tried to force one of the possessed PCs off of the property, I would have described a scene in which both PC and ghost were screaming in agony, with the spirit being violently torn from the body with every inch that the PC was pulled across the border. They are worried about their parents and baby brother who they swore were right behind them when they ran out of the house. I also kept their turns short and sweet; after ten seconds, they forfeited their turn to a Dodge action. Be careful when you use these, though. Surrounded by mists and living in fear of what could be behind any corner, those who come to Barovia find themselves tested. Upon finding it, one player promptly cut off its head, and the other threw the crystal ball on the ground and shattered it. The descriptions in the adventure are pretty vivid and you might be tempted to gloss over some of them (especially if you havent read ahead in the full Curse of Strahd adventure.). Tsolenka Pass consists of a bridge looming over the Luna River and a guard tower. They cannot be used commercially. Copyright In particular, it makes the windmill known as the Old Bonegrinder a major point of interest for the party. Also, as an important note, there are two major things that you absolutely should not do. Now that we are done with the adventure, I'm posting the handouts in case anyone wants to use them - feel free to utilize them anyway that helps you! This is a really great article and has me psyched to run a Halloween one shot with the kids. . There is no escape, not without first defeating the seemingly unstoppable vampire Strahd Von Zarovich. Not only that, but the key ingredient in Morgantha's addictive pies is children! Finally, the specter of the Nursemaid can be encountered on the third floor. Most Barovians steer clear of this location, where they are likely to get lost in the muddy, misty marshes and even encounter terrifying scarecrows. Youll find little elements that serve to foreshadow events to come. For background the home is infused with the evil spirits of the cultists that once resided there. Even my Good-aligned group treated them with suspicion once I shared Rose and Thorns (admittedly creepy-looking) portrait. Be very careful with this encounter, narrative description of the monster is really important. Give the party a chance to rest and level up (if they started at level 1) before they work their way to the Dungeon Level.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tabletopjoab_com-leader-1','ezslot_12',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-leader-1-0'); In the Dungeon Level, the party will encounter a Grick and several undead. The Amber Temple is one of the most dangerous locations in Barovia. I'm always a little disappointed that one of the family members isn't named Frederick. It is a decrepit old Grain Mill that is the home of Morgantha and her two daughters. Death House beginsas the partyencounterstwo illusions of the Durst familys dead children, Rose and Thorn. According to the book that works, but you might rule otherwise. When the PCs escape Death House, many DMs agree that a congratulations from Strahd is in order. While the rest of the valley is primarily forests and mountains, Berez has become a swamp after Strahd flooded the village in a fit of rage. Most likely there will be no sacrifice, which will anger the illusory cultists. "Death House" will run your player characters through levels 1-3 if they survive. You can let them know something is coming with smell and sounds. This probably explains why he loves story-driven games so much. The Old Bonegrinder is a terrifying location that captures just how unsettling the domains of dread can be. ), its a good stopping point for your first session. It's a horrific truth that will send a shiver down your party's spines. Would love to revisit Death House some day and not mistakenly murder my friends instantly. The PCs could hear her making gentle cooing sounds, and see her rocking the crib gently. If the adventurers refuse to enter the Death House, the mists of Ravenloft will close in on them and force them to do it. Oh, Death House. Its possible to have been a good person who now lives a life of fear and misery as a result of another persons evil actions. Third. 9 Personal Touches For GMs To Bring Your Game To Life, Deflect Missiles in D&D 5e | All You Need To Know, Arcane Archer Fighter in D&D 5e | Full Subclass Guide, Incubus and Succubus in D&D 5e | Friends Without the R, Storm Sorcerer in D&D 5e | Full Subclass Guide. 20. Monster design is good, but we have to re-skin the description a bit. Even just traveling around Barovia can be a spooky experience. NEXT: Dungeons & Dragons: The Best Online Tools For DMs. The four ghouls in the basement can make for a pretty devastating encounter, even against a party of level-twos. (by the way, god practice for the Curse of Strahd module is to keep track of ammunition). 2023 Elven Tower Cartography. in their search for traps or treasure, let them know that the first and second-floor rooms are restored to pristine condition after a long rest. Set in the realm of Barovia, a Domain Of Dread within Ravenloft, your players find themselves transported here and trapped. If you have fewer players, its easy enough to remove some of the enemies or lower how much HP each enemy has. Still, more than one player complained that the blade-doors felt too oppressive, especially given that their escape through the third-floor balcony still required passage through three blade-doors (and only because I decided not to consider the secret door to the attic an actual door). Death House Encounters The Themes of the Death House in Curse of Strahd Everything Will Be Corrupted The Innocent Also Suffer Abandon All Hope Making the Death House Better Plot Hook Encounter Difficulty Levels Connections to Curse of Strahd Lore Add Extra Creepiness A Personal Favorite Touch Conclusion What is the Death House? It is designed to introduce Curse Of Strahd, exploring its themes on a miniature scale, and is intended for level one players. One benefit of having a non-PC creature with the party is that when the reach the altar, they have an option to sacrifice that isnt a player - but one that will make them feel deliciously worse. This is not a fight encounter. Rose and Thorns parents would surely be happy to pay the party for saving them! Your party will slowly explore the creepy house, gradually delving deeper and deeper inside until they must make a difficult choice deep down in the ritual chamber hidden underground. They also tried to find other houses in the fog, but quickly realized that they were being railroaded inside once the constitution/exhaustion checks started. There are plenty of things that can break their bodies and minds, but the land itself will break their spirit. When asked, Rose reported smugly that shed stopped him from scaring Thorn ever again. If the party is reluctant, shine a little bit of gold their way. The party is expected to take them at face value and enter the house as soon as possible. After exiting the house, the mists of Ravenloft recede and will let them explore the Village of Barovia. introduction to the bleak and despair-filled land of Barovia. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'tabletopjoab_com-leader-3','ezslot_23',152,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-leader-3-0');This is a dungeon that doesnt pull punches and makes for quite the introduction to the land of Barovia! If they arent seizing the chance to be heroes, appeal to their love of coin and youll have all the hook you need. Stress the wrongdoings of Gustav and Elisabeth Durst, and plant the seed of putting the souls of these poor children to rest by placing their remains in the family crypts. 4. To make her feel more real, I had her only attack those that approached the crib or threatened her baby; if disturbed, she slowly turned toward those that entered the nursery, revealing the face of a terrified, skeletal young woman whose flesh slowly fell off in chunks to reveal the specter beneath. The art style is fantastic, but the kids are possibly the creepiest thing in the book. We skipped it. Running Curse of Strahd. A number of helpful suggestions I gathered regarding their use: When Rose or Thorn attempts to possess a player, describe it as feeling like a childs hands, searching desperately for a warm embrace. Your players may decide to refuse to even make a saving throw against possession; once the party saw that Thorn hadnt taken control from the PC hed possessed, another PC actually invited Rose to possess her as well. Would love your thoughts, please comment. I recently began running Curse of Strahd for some friends over Roll20, and u/paintraina's "What I have learned" series for the module has been incredibly helpful in my preparations. She can potentially one-shot any member of the party each turn with her Life Drain ability. Very useful against some Barovian creatures. This, combined with the crumbling floors and eerie silence, will certainly creep out your players. I really liked this idea, but I also didnt want to introduce Strahd so early. Immediately afterward, a grinding noise (the sound of the secret passage) can be heard from the attic. Locals give the building a wide berth for fear of antagonizing the evil spirits believed to haunt it. Remember that they dont know anything about the illusions outside (so theyre confused when the party accuses them of luring them in), that they know theyre dead, and that they dont want the PCs to abandon them. 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