Most people at school regularly and openly despise and hate Cartman for being selfish and mean spirited, also mocking him for his weight (which has lead Cartman to be extremely insecure, going as far to be known to dismember children when they insult his weight), but most of the time Cartman seems to have a on and off relationship with everyone in in town. Trey suddenly blurted out, "Cartman! During the episode "T.M.I. According to Trey Parker and Matt Stone, his true passion is for all of the show's characters. Although Cartman does not generally like anyone in particular, he was very fond of Chef, as seen in "The Return of Chef" where Cartman was crying in front of Butters and even admitted that he was going to miss Chef, but did not know how to tell him. His sexism is also seen in the series as he hates girls too but that is because he is sexually confused. Scott's plan works however, in that Cartman is left in tears, not because his father is dead however, but because he is half-ginger. After breaking up with Cartman, Heidi agrees to be Kyle's girlfriend, angering Cartman. Jimmy also sometimes go to Cartman for advice, such as when Cartman helped Jimmy with his love life in "Erection Day". Even so, in the episode "Trapped in the Closet", all three boys de-friend Stan after he becomes the leader of Scientology. He seems to have some liberal beliefs, he never openly states that he is a Republican but does say that Democrats piss him off, although he does not need to have any objection to them protesting in "I'm a Little Bit Country". Scott Tenorman is Cartman's half-brother and nemesis. ", Cartman was assigned and paired up with Heidi to take of an egg for a school assignment, later when Cartman broke the egg he begged Ms. Garrison to give her an "A" and give him an "F", this could possibly prove that Cartman cares and has feelings for her, however in later episodes it does not show much of them having a relationship. Later, Cartman takes them to Tolkien's house, convinced that "black people are incapable of doing anything wrong." In the early episode "Chickenlover", Cartman receives a nightstick (otherwise known as a baton) due to his duty as police officer. He once pushes an unnamed kid up against a wall, until the kid showed him his hall pass, after which Cartman acts as if nothing happened. Butters, Kenny, or Craig usually act as his right-hand man, and recurring members of the groups include Tolkien, Craig, Clyde, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Butters, but most of the time they (with the exception of Butters and sometimes Clyde) seem to realize how mentally imbalanced he is. List of Eric Cartman's Criminal Record. Earlier in that episode, he had rallied all the gingers into a genocidal frenzy, convincing them that all non-gingers are inferior in a Hitler or KKK-esque way, as well as stage violent protests and march down the streets chanting "red power!". For example, in "Kenny Dies", Cartman delivers a speech to the United States House of Representatives convincing them to vote in favor of stem cell research. Despite this, it is revealed in the following episode, "Put It Down", that Cartman truly does love Heidi, as he leaves Heidi a voicemail, threatening her that he will commit suicide if she does not take him back. Throughout the episode he collects abandoned cats in his attic out of sympathy. In situations where the other boys share his goals, Cartman is often the de facto leader (e.g. In "AWESOM-O" he dressed as a robot to trick Butters, but in the end this failed miserably and Butters happily showed a tape of Cartman dressed like Britney Spears in front of everyone for revenge. In the episode . In the later seasons, she has been shown to be strict with him as seen in "Coon 2: Hindsight", "Coon vs. Coon & Friends", and "HUMANCENTiPAD" all of which show her not only following through with punishments, but also showing obvious disgust with Cartman's behaviour. Cartman, in the meantime, researched the virus and found out that Magic Johnson had AIDS for decades and is still alive. when an opponent beats him, or 'You tricked me!' In "Tweek vs. Craig", Cartman trained Craig in sumo wrestling. For example, in "The Passion Of The Jew", when Cartman dressed as Hitler, while rallying outside the theater presenting "The Passion" with a group of Christian followers, he began chanting hateful comments to Jews in German such as "Es Ist Zeit zu subern" ("It's time to cleanse"), while the crowd replies ""Wir mssen die Juden ausrotten!" July 1 "Whateva, I'll do what I want!" South Park: ERIC CARTMAN - CRIMINAL RECORD/RAP SHEET, South Park, Eric Cartman, Butters, Randy Marsh, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Mr. Garrison, Mr. Makey, Wendy, Shel. In "Die Hippie, Die", when a group leaves to conduct a rescue mission, all the group members say goodbye to a person close to each of them, except Cartman who bids farewell to Clyde Frog. He acted as Cartman's right-hand man and second in command, Cartman usually going to him when he needed something done. He has some Dutch and Irish descent, as in "Tom's Rhinoplasty", he mentions that his grandmother (Mabel) is Dutch-Irish. Despite these traits, Cartman rarely commands respect from his peers. Cartman is also the only person who seems to take Kenny's deaths seriously. However, obesity, HIV, poor eyesight, and bad tonsils may be the least of Cartman's health concerns; Cartman seems to have a very poor mental health. In "It's Christmas in Canada", after Cartman repeatedly threatens to beat Kyle up if they do not get home in time for Christmas, Kyle punches Cartman and he immediately bursts into tears. In Season Five, Cartman and Kyle's relationship meets a turning point, going from a relationship of them simply ripping on each other constantly to near hatred simply because Cartman caused Kenny's semi-permanent death. However, in the same episode, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny express concern over Cartman's safety and keep a lookout at Tolkien's house to protect him. After capturing Cartman and all the surviving possible fathers of South Park and Liane Cartman, Scott revealed that Cartman's father was a member of the Denver Broncos, but that the town covered up the truth because they did not want to ruin the Bronco's season by spreading knowledge of an illegitimate child scandal. Cartman is also shown to type very fast, as he wrote apparent emails about a teenage girl having a sexual affair with The Psychologist. In "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", Cartman role plays Silence of the Lambs with his dolls with Bebe. Although they bicker constantly, the two have not full on fought since then, and have had a lot more moments together where they seem happy, such as Kyle sharing music with Cartman in "You're Getting Old". Ike has been shown working with Cartman on occasion, and is the only Jew that Cartman does not seem to discriminate against (although it is possible he does not know he is Jewish, which is unlikely due to events in "Ike's Wee Wee"). "You are such a manipulative asshole, Cartman!" Liane tries to form a relationship with Cesar, but he turns her down as she is just a client, and she soon begins to spoil Cartman againas this boy is the closest thing to a friend she really has. Other beloved stuffed animals include Wellington Bear (a take on Paddington Bear), Polly Prissypants the rag doll, purple lizard Rumpertumskin (a take on Rumpelstiltskin), and Peter Panda. Bankruptcy filing history. In this episode, however, he was diagnosed with tonsillitis and his tonsils had to be removed. Cartman and Kyle have both since recovered from the disease. In the episode, the other boys begin ignoring Cartman, leading to him concluding that he . Playable Characters, The Spirit of Christmas: Jesus vs. Frosty, Roger Ebert Should Lay off the Fatty Foods, becoming a part of the Denver "tooth racket"; and stealing Tooth Fairy money from kids, forming his own church and embezzling its collection money, sell a crashed truck-load of aborted fetuses, The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer, "South Park" Cartman Gets an Anal Probe (TV Episode 1997), Matt Stone and Trey Parker with Larry Divney, Eric Cartman: America's Favorite Little $@#&*%, TV Guide's 50 greatest cartoon characters of all time,, South Park's Cartman To Intro ABC's CU Lineups, 6th Grader with Black Hair and Blue Shirt, 6th Grader with Yellow Shirt and Brown Pants. After being told by Kyle and Stan that being photographed that way is humiliating him rather than Butters (in other words, being photographed in such a way makes him gay), Cartman then seeks out Butters to make him put his penis in Butters' mouth, but this fails, as the both of them are caught by Butters' father. He devises elaborate plans to achieve his goals, sometimes presenting them to his friends using a whiteboard. It's Me, Jesus", when Stan appears to be the only boy who has not gotten their period, Cartman reassures him that he will get it one day. In "Fat Butt and Pancake Head", while Kyle is immediately distrustful of Cartman's claim that he cannot control the actions of his hand (which has seemed to take on a life of its own), Stan gives Cartman the benefit of the doubt and admits that, with all the stuff that happens in South Park, Cartman could be telling the truth. In the episode "Pinkeye", Cartman dresses up as Hitler for Halloween (A costume made by his mother even though Cartman himself did not know who Hitler was, showing that his antisemitism may come from his mother in some part). Identifying marks and traits such as: Race. Before releasing a crime or arrest report, the LBPD will notify the investigator handling the case, who must approve the release. Later when his supposedly real motives were revealed, knowing how Cartman typically is, Kyle promptly fights him in Kenny's defense, although Cartman was genuinely distraught over Kenny's illness before and after he learns that he can benefit from it. And they become friends after Cartman convinces her to dump her boyfriend Skyler deeming him a jerk. Eric is quite possibly morbidly obese. Unlike the other boys, Butters is not aware of the plan and Cartman believes that Butters is the only one who can see him, now that he is "dead". In "The Cissy", Wendy uses the transgender bathroom to get back at him. The episode "The Damned" ends with Cartman asking Heidi what was at the bottom of a vagina, and she responds by saying "want me to show you? In "Cartman Finds Love", Cartman's imaginary friend, Cupid Me, debuts. He normally used to go to Chef with his problems, and Chef was always willing to help him. Cartman's obsessive hatred of Kyle above almost all others, has called into question Cartman's deeper feeling for Kyle. Another contradiction occurs in "Tsst", when Cartman compares his mother who had been instructed how to treat her rampantly egocentric son by the Dog Whisperer, with Hitler, as a reason why she should be killed (although this is probably because Cartman is not being allowed to indulge in his personal desires). Cartman, attempted to deny this fact, until presented with the magazine itself. Also he is good at Photoshop, (though his art skills are very first grade like) as we can see from "Mystery of the Urinal Deuce", when he is framing Kyle. They have also lived in Powell, OH. In "The Entity", Kyle described Cartman as "my sort of friend-ish", as his best explanation of their relationship. Cartman apparently sees scenes of sickening and/or disturbing imagery every time he closes his eyes, but thinks nothing of it. That son of a bitch!". Cartman tries to murder Kyle again in "Fatbeard". The students at South Park Elementary are all apparently aware of Cartman's stuffed animals and his mental health as shown in "1%", where Craig tells Cartman he should go home and cry to his stuffed animals. In "Fat Butt and Pancake Head" Cartman did ventriloquism with his hand, claiming it thought itself to be a real person, named Mitch Conner, who was a con-man posing as Jennifer Lopez. In the episode "Prehistoric Ice Man", when Kyle falls into a cavern and asks from the bottom, "Is Cartman there?" For example, in "Cartoon Wars Part I", the two of them work against each other; when Cartman tries to get Family Guy canceled, Kyle tries to stop him. Ironically, after having attacked Kyle throughout most of the episode due to his being conceived in New Jersey (as well as being ginger and Jewish), Kyle is the one who saves Cartman from this encounter. His birthday was in the. Florence Cartman ", where Cartman declares wrathfully "God, I hate Craig! Immediately after he takes Heidi into the woods with him at night, and ultimately ditches her in the woods to die, and gets her kidnapped by a witch. Because of Cartman's selfish personality, his friendship with Kenny is not as obvious as Stan and Kyle's, and it sometimes looks fake, but it is clearly existent. Cartman knows a bit about Photography, as shown in a few episodes. Fuck. Cartman is upstaged by handicapped children in "Up the Down Steroid", where his elaborate plan to beat the handicapped children in athletics backfires, with him placing dead last in every sport. Therefore, their friendship is in a constant state of disrepair. ", he seems to hope to kill Kyle without any reason. - Cartman in "Make Love, Not Warcraft". Indeed, the others consistently show a willingness to follow him and trust in his leadership when he is using his abilities for "good.". Cartman's friendships with the other kids are clearly existent, but just not shown as much because of his personality. Cartman finds Polly Prissypants in a chair, with a revolver. implying that one of his relatives may have abused him. He physically abuses others, both through his fists and weapons (such as when he hit Tolkien Black and Pip Pirrip with rocks). He is shown to be randomly strumming a guitar and beating the drums so he is not too good at them. In Season Twenty, he wears a t-shirt with the words "Token's Life Matters". Cartman also once slingshotted Clyde in the balls for his own (and, as he later defended his actions in "Red Sleigh Down", Tolkien's) amusement. It is also shown that Cartman sometimes uses his talent to express his delusional side, he demonstrates this through his hand, which he calls Mitch Conner. This is similar to the Saw movies. But, Cartman takes advantage of this and finds Butters extremely easy to manipulate and convert to his point of view, or get him to do what he wants. In the episode, "Kenny Dies", Cartman proclaims that Kenny is his best friend among the three boys, but at the end of the episode it is implied that Cartman is Kenny's "worst friend" since he exploited Kenny's illness for personal gain. Throughout the entire run of the South Park series, there have been a few instances where Cartman spoke languages other than English quite well and he does seem to be fluent in Spanish and speaks very good German (for the sake of South Park). Cartman then steals the bodies and makes them into chili which he promptly feeds to Scott. Scott Tenorman He also has triangular-shaped eyebrows, in contrast to the other main boys' rectangular ones. Where she leaves her estate (valued at $1,000,000) to Eric, citing that all the other family members would have spent it all on crack. Cartman also makes something called a "Toaster Pastry Chocolate Mix Butter Bar", by taking two pop tarts and sandwiching them with a stick of butter covered in chocolate milk mix in "Fat Camp". Their first meeting was in "Scott Tenorman Must Die", in which Scott sold Cartman his pubic hair, convincing Cartman it would signify maturity for him. Kyle, and possibly Stan and Kenny, however, seem to be the only ones aware of how dangerous and mentally imbalanced he is, as well as the only ones who try to keep others from falling into his manipulation. In "Kenny Dies", he is distraught at Kenny's impending death leading Kyle to console him. In another episode Cartman tries to go to Craig when runs from home, but Craig tells him he hates him and shuts the door in his face. In "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut", Kenny and Cartman are alone in the scene, and Cartman blurts out "I hate you, Kenny" out of nowhere. In "Super Best Friends", Cartman converted to Blaintology along with most of the residents in South Park. He has been seen playing center in Football in "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" and on the Dodge-Ball team in the episode "Conjoined Fetus Lady". When Cartman later empties a bowl of semen into the tank. However, in "Smug Alert! In the episode "Christian Rock Hard", Butters does another one at Cartman while he is beaten down by Tolkien, by farting on his face giving him the finger while saying "fuck you Eric", for his repeated blasphemy and ruining their band. An example being when Stan and Kyle continuously stated she was on the cover of "Crack-Whore" magazine in "Pinkeye". Cartman begins to be annoyed with Heidi for not being submissive to him. When he tried to win the Special Olympics by feigning a disability in "Up the Down Steroid" , Kyle attempts to talk him out of it by telling him, regardless of their differences, that Cartman will surely go to Hell for such an act; Cartman replies that Kyle does not understand that Hell is reserved for the Jews, indicating once again his self-righteousness. The series launched in the summer of 1997 with "Cartman Gets An Anal Probe" which saw the town of South Park visited by aliens who repeatedly abduct Cartman at night and install an anal probe that begins to oddly affect his behavior. In "Skank Hunt", he along with Stan, Kyle, Butters, Clyde, Jimmy and Tolkien smash Cartman's electronics due to them thinking that he is Skankhunt42. He also occasionally has milk come out of his nose when he laughs, even when he was not drinking any. Also, in "Imaginationland, Episode II" and "Imaginationland, Episode III", he is talking about how he should take his picture of Kyle sucking his balls. In fact, Cartman comforts Shelley when she feels insecure about her appearance and feels that no one likes her. In "South Park is Gay! During the process he compliments Butters on his size. His Christian rock group "Faith + 1" sold 1,000,000 copies of its album in the episode "Christian Rock Hard" with the intent of earning a platinum album but according to the Christian Music Association their artists only receive Myrrh for this achievement. Grandfather The reasons for this are never fully explained, although in one episode "Cartmanland", after inheriting a million dollars from his grandmother, he reveals that he wishes to buy his own amusement park so he would not have to wait in lines for the rides. Thus, Cartman was born. In "Cartman Sucks" he repeatedly invited Butters over to spend the night to play pranks on him, until it backfired on him and he made an inappropriate picture which featured him putting Butter's penis in his mouth, and which ended up being showed to the entire fourth grade class, humiliating Cartman instead of Butters. It is quite plausible, however, to assume that Cartman's obsession with his quest stems significantly from his desire to humiliate Kyle, rather than from any homosexual attraction to him. Also, in the episode "Chickenpox", when he was told that his mom sent him to Kenny's house so he would catch chickenpox, he claimed that he would "kick her square in the nuts". He usually tries to prove Craig wrong and annoy him. Cartman, however, does not consider himself to be a bully who likes to pick on other people to pleasure himself; in fact, he seems to disregard good or bad altogether (or perhaps simply does not have a concept of it) and does whatever he feels necessary for him to get ahead. The hand also claims to have knowledge that Cartman does not, such as who Cartman's father really is. At the sperm bank, he pretends to test a semen sample by smearing it on his fingers. While many of his male peers think this is funny (especially Kenny), it often causes the girls to despise him. Current In "The Death of Eric Cartman" all of the kids at South Park Elementary decide to ignore Cartman because they feel he is a "son of a bitch". Kyle finds him and takes him home and puts him to bed. In the episode "Fatbeard", Kyle encourages Cartman to run away to Somalia, hoping that he will die. A clip featuring South Park's chief troublemaker Eric Cartman using transgender identity politics for his own ends has gone viral 8 years after it originally aired on Comedy Central. Character Information He is the most foul-mouthed character in the show. "If you had a chance to go back in time right now and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it? They are also shown to share a sense of humor, as can be seen in the episode "How to Eat with Your Butt" when Kenny and Cartman continue an elaborate joke, despite Stan and Kyle's objections. South Park: Eric Cartman's Funniest Moments #2 #SouthPark #Cartman #Funniest #Moments #rainbow eric rainbow, sparky, #gayDog, #Sparky , beefcake #Beefcake40. It first aired on Comedy Central in the United States on July 25, 2001. In "Imaginationland", Cartman is seen brandishing a Bowie knife. Some examples of this are: instead of saying 'I'm serious" he will say "I'm seriously", instead of saying "here" he will say "heahre" (sometimes in the earlier episodes, he would even pronounce "here" as "myah"), apologized to Wendy by saying he was very "remoursefulness" for his actions ("Breast Cancer Show Ever"), and instead of saying "respect my authority", he would say "respect mah authoritah." In "Goobacks", Cartman threatens Kyle and it leads to Kyle giving Cartman a bloody nose. Und wunderhbsch, wunderhbsch. The family is seen again in the episode "Cartmanland", at his grandmother's funeral. After being passionately kissed by Wendy at the end of the episode, he is disappointed at the end when she says that she no longer has any feelings for him. He laughs, even when he was diagnosed with tonsillitis and his had... 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