So after $1,100. Zoetis and veterinarians should be held accountable, how can you be killing dogs with no compassion , no ethics, no nothing. After a month we ran out and in two days the itching was back. We had no choice but to euthanize him early this morning. I have read some of the negative comments here and all I can say is Upon blood work review, Red blood cell count, platelets and many types of her white cells were frighteningly low. Within the first 12 hours he developed runny poop and lethargy. Nothing processed, out of a can or a bag, no dry food ever (its basically rubbish anyhow). She then proceeded to tell me that in the past week she had two dogs pass, that she suspects were from this drug. She has been on it for about 3 weeks now. But it is not the only antihistamine that vets use. When he didnt come back, I went to check, he had diarrhea in 2 different places. Due to her age, shes not the best at going outside, but on this pill, she is peeing constantly. Stay away from this POISON. After that he became VERY, VERY lethargic and was not able even to walk straight. Total bill for this visit was $309.95 of which $126 was for another Rx for 70 Apoquel 5.4mg, Over the following months, we started to see these growths appearing all over his body that appeared to be papillomas (warts) in addition to having interdigital cysts between his toenails causing him to constantly chew/lick them to the point of becoming scabbed. Mix all together and freeze in portions and Voila! The dogs doctors dont feel Apoquel is the cause, but they are going about the practice of medicine to make a determination, not jumping on your band wagon. Unfortunately the itching has started back up. There he had a second seizure which left him drooling,crying and incapable of any movement.I had no choice,I chose to relieve his pain. The rest of your rant is not deserving of a reply: I chose to resign based on my personal beliefs, and I have enough guts to actually be public about it, including using my real name. I talked with a Homeopathic vet about my dog and this med and she said that she is seeing at least 4 dogs a week that are coming to her because of reactions to APOQUEL. Additionally, our dogs eyes have been filling with a night green mucus. I have documented this story on my blog at Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Bald from chewing, scratching bleeding, pus coming out of his eyes and chronic ear infections, bad yeast odor. Will be calling the vet on Monday, fingers crossed she goes back to herself today! We gave her omega fatty acids, removed the grass out of our yard and eliminated environmental threats the best we could. I have a St. Bernard Therapy Dog who had allergies, itching ears and feet. She mentioned the dog was also on the drug being discussed here. In addition to Allergies Atopy, and Here are 5 natural alternatives to apoquel for dogs you can try: 1. Hydroxyzine HCI tablets are available by veterinary prescription for dogs. Most veterinarians say no because both drugs can cause drowsiness. He was on it for 24 days and because of a loss of energy and frequent drinking and peeing, we decided to take him off it. 14 days later he died. He is now getting allergy shots and well see how it goes. Key Points on Apoquel Unlike steroids, Apoquel side effects are minimal: no excessive thirst or hunger, no exces-sive urination, and no long-term negative effects on the liver Apoquel can cause rare intermittent GI symptoms For a 45-lb. I noticed she had to see alot, but only thought she was marking her spots. JA: Hi there. Further information. After this it was too late for her they said she had Ive been searching all day and came across other dogs doing the same. In April he received Lyme vaccine and shortly thereafter developed skin infection requiring steroids. In less than 7 days this drug killed our baby. I called the largest vet hospital in the area where they had a neurologist and got her in thru the ER. APOQUEL (oclacitinib) manufactured by Zoetis, She has NEVER done this, she wont even puke on the floor she runs to her crate she is the most courteous dog when it comes to messing anything up. In some cases, more serious side effects may occur, such as infections or tumors. I started homeopathy and alpha stim from a holistic vet. This dog was perfectly healthy and suddenly went down hill. For the prescriptions !!! I think a class action suit against the makers of apparel is called for. the itching, decreased but never stopped. Makes me nervous.. At first I was like, Im worried now But its a bit of a scare tactic. He has been on apoquell for a few weeks for itchy skin. Best regards It has been the Apoquel doing all of this, I believe. Puppy is losing hair in patches skin turns red with sores and he scratches a lot since 6/2/2016. The vet prescribed it and at first her allergies were better. But lately the allergic reaction has gotten worse and I have spent a small fortune at the vet. We were dealing with our older Chocolate Lab on Nov 7 who we had to put down, so I forgot to keep an eye on my Ginny. What should I do ? Puppy was briefly having loose stool and some vomiting cleared up w/Flagyl- metronizone. The combination of the two can make a dog very sleepy. This is not like him.So I am going to quit giving him this med. My 5 year ol shi tzu terrier mix has terrible allergies that caused her to itch 24/7. I have also found that by wiping his feet with a damp towel after he comes in from outside, there is far less itching and scratching. After reading almost all of the comments on here I would think you would all exchange info and file a Class Action Lawsuit against the makers of this drug, the FDA for negligence, at least. Your email address will not be published. This again required an overnight stay at the vet center with a total cost of $2452.23 Vets may prescribe it for both atopic dermatitis and allergic dermatitis - both problems that cause itchy and inflamed skin. After the allergy tests I gave him Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Fish, which he doesnt eat much so I add other things to it. Can Dogs Take Hydroxyzine? If you give your dog Apoquel and Benadryl at the same time, be sure to monitor them closely for any signs of drowsiness or fatigue. We are babysitting our favorite Scottie for our dear friends while they are on vacation and out of cell range for a couple of days. Ive tried everything to ease her itching, and shes been on hydroxyzine for a few years with limited success. Antihistamines are over-the-counter so they have a . Aside from all of those things, Peatie still enjoys the simple things like a good scratch, peeing on everything he feels the need to and his favorite treat. I wasnt told about these side affects nor given a handout. He kept saying its a new drug. At this point our cost has been $2200. Fortunately many other pet owners think otherwise. I have found others not just on this web site that are questioning the same thing. If your dog has any of the following, taking antihistamines is not usually recommended: There is also not much evidence regarding the effects that antihistamines have on a pregnant or breastfeeding animal. I will admit that I had no KNOWN adverse affects to the second dog and the drug did clear up the infections in both. Wow my eyes are wide. Started my dog on on this medicine 6 days ago. Nothing worked. I do not blame the drug company or the sales reps that are making a living selling this drug. If Zoetis produces the vaccines that were usedwell that would truly answer a lot of questions. Im wondering If the medicine comes out of his system will he return to his normal form or is the insulin the only option at this point? She is a young dog from a breeder with no history of seizures. Your dog can continue to be treated with Apoquel as long as your veterinarian recommends. The first 30 days there seemed to be no side effects, his appetite was good and it stopped the itching immediately upon the first dose he received. DO NOT GIVE THIS POISON TO YOUR PET. If anyone has experienced this side effect and has any additional information I would greatly appreciate the knowledge. Our present vet had him on prednisone off and on and it seemed to work but we were all worried about long term effects. Carprofen was previously used in human medicine for over 10 years (1985-1995). Now, in the last couple of weeks.. of going to Vet attempting to find out what is going on she actually bit a tech who stuck her face in Fendis face and startled her. Genestra Vit D drops 800 ui/day. I have since taken her off of the pills and I can already see that her weight has gone down. (Source: Cosgrove SB, Wren JA, Cleaver DM, et al. Hes on IV fluids but not expected to live more than a week. I dont trust drugs and I dont trust doctors, or car sales men, or lawyers for that matter. Good. You may even want to read about the legal definition of slander: My boy had eye infection while on this also that cleared with eye drops. The Apoquel seemed to work like magic. And dont forget if youre at all concerned about your pets medication, then give your veterinarian a quick ring. I put my Saint on it and it did seem to help Topical Solutions Use a topical product that works to calm the source of the itchy skin and inflammation. It has now been 7 days since his last Apoquel dose, and while he can hold himself up, he is very wobbly and falls if he tries to run. According Im going to bed. Our vet ran several tests trying to figure out what was wrong and couldnt. Initially, his itching nearly subsided after staring Apoquel however, not for long. Antihistamines can also be used to treat anxiety, and to calm patients before general anesthesia and surgery. is where I found all the horrible side effects of the drug and it was too late. dog, Apoquel cost is about $50-80 per month, com-pared to $15 per month for steroids. BUT 2 days ago he has started having breathing problemsnever had that before. We will look at these later in this article. She gave him different food and Hydroxizine, along with antinausea pills. I always use salt water and E5 cream or take him to the sea side so he can put his paws in to the sea and it worked late time. He still has the runs. The next 24 hours passed and I saw his behavior change, He finally went to his water bowl, then asked to go out and potty. I have a 5 yr old Yorkie/Poodle. He has a low platelet count. In fact, right now Apoquel has no drug interactions with any other type of medication, so it can be used along with just about anything. It makes me sick to my stomach to see so many vets pushing and advertising this. We all need to do our part to get this drug off the market. Zyrtec, or Cetirizine, is a popular method of itch relief in our canine friends due to how few side effects there are, and the fact that Zyrtec does not cause drowsiness like other allergy medications. Upon returning home from work . It was like a miracle drug. mega esophagus this is where the nerves dont signal the which is fine with me. I am so worried about my wee guy. Working very well for paw licking, but like others, he has to pee all the time and did so in the house yesterday (something he NEVER does). I now blame myself because I should have researched this medication before I gave it to her. I stoped it todayim terrified. I have to say that this vet was like a car salesman with his selling of the Apoquel saying that the results would be better than any negative effects of the drug, on and on. Was told her prognosis is poor. Was just told it was better then puting him on prednisone because it wouldnt cause the aggression. This pill really worked for my dog. Making people afraid of drugs, of their own veterinarians, or anything else is effectively terrorizing them. My 4 year old red lab has been on Apoquel for about three weeks. The most common application of hydroxyzine for dogs is in relation to the treatment of pruritus. Try the new diet for 4 weeks. It has taken one year of medication, hepaticlear to even touch the level and see it slowly come down. We think its the right thing to do. was up all night with the poor little guy, he was panicking badly, jumping into my lap, whimpering, panting,he was doing a weird head stretch thing ,could not settle, drinking loads stopped the apoquel,took him to emergency vet, had bloods etc checked & they said he was fine. For slight allergies try otc antihistamines like Zyrtec. He had been on it continually for about two/three years as I was I informed that there was no serious side effects and that it could be used for as long as it was working. She had bloods done 2 weeks ago and they were all fine so Im hoping the last few days of the drug wont cause any irreversible issues but she has had her last dose and Im hoping to see improvement. My dog had a history of pancreatitis, vet should have known this product and think this is not good for this dog. This year is especially bad. I should have ask questions I usually do. DO NOT GIVE APOQUEL TO YOUR PET. A dog who never once peed in the house, started having accidentswhen she was on a morning, noon, evening and bedtime schedule. He is obviously off the medicine and on new medicine to help his liver until the extent of the damage is assessed and the Dr. can provide a treatment plan moving forward. Because most of the placebo dogs dropped out, they really couldnt compare the groups. Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common allergies in dogs, affecting approximately The mechanism of action is thought to be similar to that of other Janus kinase inhibitors, which block the activity of Janus kinase enzymes, which are important in signal transduction in many cells, including those involved in the allergic response, she says. Were here at the next morning and she seems a tiny bit more alert. One of my boys had a Then came the seizure. I AM STOPPING THIS MED TODAY! A huge shout to today's VetGirl guest blogger is by Dr. Nicole Heinrich, DACVD of McKeever Dermatology Clinics. Apoquel Side Effects. But what is hydroxyzine for dogs? If you are into animal welfare, you probably should stay away from those supplements. Now, just do the rest of the world a favor and drop off the face of it and stop trying to scare people into doing what you want and believing what you think is correct. When we get to 12 months the doctor may reduce her meds. Does that sound about right? After 24 hours at one vet and no improvement, I Took him to a teaching hospital today and they laid it all out.he likely has aspergillosis, a fungal infection, that can either cause a nasal infection with drainage, sneezing, bleeding etc, or cause a systemic infection. 1,2 The #1 prescribed medicine for allergic itch in dogs. Not sure it will make a difference or if they even care, but I hope this message will bring hope to others who are currently experiencing the downside to Apoquel. (Answered 2023), Is It Legal to Eat Dog Meat in Canada? We stopped this medication as soon as we learned that she never should have been prescribed this in the first place as she had a previous cancerous tumour and also that it should not be given to a dog with a serious infection. These beneficial bacteria play a role in normalizing the overactive immune system. Noticeably happier and energetic. We had a lovely dog who frequently got ear infections and because of this drug we have no dog. by day 14. Metacam with known renal and liver side effects. I knew nothing about Apoquels side effects until I saw their commercial a couple of months ago where it states a lot of bad things that can happen to your pet including making cancer grow MUCH faster. Being very worried, I began doing research on the Apoquel the vet had given her and was shocked to find out its an immunosuppressant with some ugly side effects. It helps relieve really bad side effects of chemotherapy such as anemia, pain and nausea. Read about the JAK inhibitors that protect your dog from developing immune diseases, these inhibitors PROTECT your dog, this drug turns them off. Benadryl wasnt working so Dr. prescribed Apoquel 6/9/2016. Side effects have been rarely seen and documented, but the most common occurrences have been mild vomiting and diarrhea. Hydroxyzine for dogs is not often used in this capacity. Michael (would be happy to share more in private with you.). I think it could be a very dangerous drug. These past 6 months have been H-ll with our beloved pets on these dangerous medications. Her creatinine went from 8.0 to 0.3 almost normal!! She is Am. It has been approximately 3 weeks since I took him off of all meds and we are completely back to normal. But, your dog may be displaying signs of anxiety because of discomfort. In addition, many kinds of research shows that CBD enhances the effects of chemo and fights cancer more efficiently! She went into Cardiac Arrest and flat lined. Suddenly developed severe anxiety / up all night / only happy in open air park. I went to the FDA website and there is not one complaint that I can find from any vet or pet owner. Full Year 2015 Guidance Updated to Revenue of $4.8 $4.9 Billion and Adjusted Diluted EPS1 of $1.61 $1.68 animals own cells. After reading almost all of the comments on here I would think you would all exchange info and file a Class Action Lawsuit against the makers of this drug, the FDA for negligence, at least. After two months and weight gain and labored breathing on steroids Ollie still has this yeast infection. Between your irresponsible claims and your ridiculous supplement, you are a disgrace to the profession.. My vet prescribed Apoquel for her and she immediately threw up and became very listless. Brand names: Chlor-Trimeton, Niramine, Iramine, Antihistalone. Tried everything else. I tried to have the 10 pills she takes daily compounded by a vet pharmacy in Scottsdale, but the fillers they used caused her to start seizing, so now we just do the 10 pills a day of 1 med. Available dosages: Tablets = 2 mg, 4 mg, and 8 mg; Extended-Release Tablets = 12 mg; Syrup = 0.4 mg/mL. I dont want her to be itchy, but I also dont want her to be dead. my point is for 3 yrs she had to be kept on prednisone and antibiotics. The vet told us anal gland problems can definitely be due to allergies. If your dog is taking hydroxyzine, you should keep the possible side effects in mind. His previous blood tests (before Apoquel) were normal. In his 10 years he has never defecated in the house. Very unlike him and the bowl belongs to a dog that visits a lot and he is head over heels in love with. Our dog, Casey, 15.5 years old ,bishon, has severe allergy problems. It was a blistery, painful looking infection. I certainly dont want to cause the side effects that I read. THOUGHT OF THAT UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE. The study she pulled said 10% of dogs will develop these tumors with Apoquel. Has been on short term antibiotics and steroids for secondary skin infections. No they are not some very serious side effects have not been listed. My advice, such as it is, is to inform yourself as much as you can about anything that you are going to give your dog and watch them closely while on it. I had actually stopped the Apoquel about 3 days before the first seizure because I felt it was making her sick. I was at my wits end after failing to relieve his itch, but I refuse to subject my love to seizures and liver damage. Im conflicted now that I might have caused this. Swelling and inflammation. After 2 further doses he went berserk again. Check with your vet before giving your dog any over-the-counter medication, even if it is safe for dogs. Other than some itching she has always been healthy. I now wonder if he had environmental allergies. We have 4 dogs, 2 cats and birds so we have used many drugs. After this, your vet will assess the situation and decide whether to prescribe antihistamines that are to be taken on a more regular basis. My dog started taking Apoquel yesterday. Carprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is used by veterinarians as a supportive treatment for the relief of arthritic symptoms in geriatric dogs. She use to sleep like a baby but the last few nights has kept me awake. It does seem that the shot and the baytril will make her infection go away and allergies better at least for awhile. Still sweet and wants to play but, can hardly find the ball when it is right in front of her face. We decided to continue the Apoquel until the next vet visit which was about 1 week later. I am having the same issue as Kelly noted above. Your vet will work to determine the appropriate dosage according to a few factors. Just seems like a lot to me. In December 2017 we again returned to the veterinary center for evaluation and suggestions regarding these growths which continued to increase in number. Apoquel works for most pets but not all. He has lost 1 1/2 lbs. But they cant find any thing. After allergy, blood and urine tests she put him on Apoquel, 2 times a day for 1 week and then one pill in morning. I bathe him weekly and this helps. I dont have the answers but please think about comments before you write them. APOQUEL Such as, what is the correct hydroxyzine dosage for dogs? Is there such a movement in the veterinary world? (Answered 2023), What Will Deter a Dog From Peeing in the House? Of the types administered, hydroxyzine was one of the most effective. Some dogs taking other types of antihistamines have also experienced vomiting. My 12 1/2 yr old westie has been very healthy for his whole life until last august . Apoquel is a medication that works at the skin level to reduce the mechanism that causes itch. She examined him and told me that he was having a reaction to the hydroxyzine so dont give any more to him. The vet recommended apoquel. I cooked for him for 8 years because he wouldnt eat dog food. He then became very lethargic, drinking quite often, and urinating in large amounts. Unlike Zoetis, when you make your claims about your supplement you dont show ANY study results or statistics. I dont know what the answer is with severe allergies, but I would urge you all to find a holistic provider for your allergic dog instead of using this drug. Im not continuing the apoquel! Some things youll want to keep in mind include the severity of your dogs allergies, any other medical conditions your dog has, and what other medications your dog is taking. The itching and the lick granuloma healed. He is now on phenobarbital for life because the seizures never went away. but I had no idea so many were having issues long term. Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine, used to treat allergic skin disease in dogs . We drove her tp the vet which advised us that her pancreas was way over the chart as well as her liver enzymes and showed to have a severe infection that her body could not fight off. We tried Benadryl, Temaril-P & homeopathic remedies. Zoetis, Apoquel's manufacturer, conducted a long-term (two year) study examining 247 dogs and the side effects of Apoquel they experienced. Can any of these symptoms be reversed or are they permanent damage? You can contact Zoetis Inc at 1-888-963-8471. I am still waiting for a call back. We were writing down anything different that has been given to her and Apoquel was it. Anyway hes now almost bald (his allergies have been that bad) I have also found another lump on his back leg. She was totally out of it. On day 19 and 21 i noticed she peed the bed when Id been out(never ever done that before) She was also drinking more and having accidents. None of these worked brilliantly but they did have an effect on reducing some of his symptoms. His skin has recently got purple spots. I never, ever, leave my dogs side when they are a procedure until they are out, but this one was brutal. If you've a medium or small-sized pup the . I have found that a commercial diet of fish and sweet potato work very well, and with this there is less itching, and licking. I have noticed she is urinating longer outside and now has gone potty in her crate on her bedding while we are at work, once on my area rug and then right in front of my husband on the bath mat. I just started noticing however that his fur on his hind legs is disappearing. I decided to look up the side effects of Apoquel, as that was the only thing that was new and I wondered if GI upset and diarrhea could become an issue while on it. Of the 247 dogs studied, 26 were removed for unknown reasons and 18 were euthanized. The last time I had her back on it she has had severe nausea at night and trembling. I was NOT told it suppresses the immune system, but it absolutely does. Its been about 21 hours since he had a pill, so Im hoping that by tomorrow morning, its out of his system. dogs to infection, inflammatory disease demodex mites, and I thought a noise outside may have scared her, so I gave her belly pats and love until she settled down and went back to sleep. I took her outside to see if she needed to potty, but she didnt really need to. Sep 14, 2018. He also gets half a Zyrtec morning and night. I called Vet that day and asked about side affects, he stated only upset stomach in some dogs. Apoquel seems to be an amazing drug. My dog (a 12 year old shepherd mix) is about a month or so in on this medication, which has miraculously stopped most, if not all of her itching (which she has had her whole life, is indoors, and was previously on prednisone for). 7.The last increasingly used ingredient for allergies is colostrum. Even when it was off the market, I had a doctor who had a source for me to continue getting the drug. this medication is good for a short period of time, but the side affects are far more dangerous, Hello, I have 2 dogs, 45 kg and 8 kg. Im hoping this continues. I just had to euthanize my 13 1/2 year old mi-ki due to cancer throughout his bladder with some changes to his liver. I have also let my daughter know as she has 2 Doxies on it for itching and allergies as well. He has always had a scratching, itching biting skin problem. No scratching, because she was too outta it to scratch. I should have typed EFFECTS not AFFECTS. Have you ever had to use hydroxyzine for dogs? I am not a qualified vet or anything, just something I think might be her problem. The rate of adverse events overall was low (<5%) and included I can help but believe the apaquel is. Dr Jones. Is it okay to take her off immediately, or do I need to wean her gradually? Do I Have to Stop Minoxidil Before Hair Transplant? We give her oatmeal baths and it dont help. I hope we stopped this drug in time before more serious damage happens. Took him to the vet today and he has kidney failure. He is asking to go out to pee a lot more than he used to and now has developed a smell similar to mild cat pee (no cats in our home). The dose of Apoquel is 0.18 to 0.27mg depending on the body weight of your dog. We adopted this puppy from the Animal Defense League 2/16/2016. Diagnosis is a mite type(Demoditic? One leg even appears lumpy. My dog was only on it 2 months. We purchased a bottle with 70 tablets for $137.20 in hopes that this would provide some relief. Consider the risks and benefits of treatment in dogs with a history of recurrence of these conditions. He was going to go back onto Apoquel after being off it for a short time. I wouldnt take our dogs almost considered human to a vet i didnt trust. That was a year ago. Thank you for any help. aday because of weight for 3 months now. They contacted my vet. Please never use acepromazine for dogs. What are the side effects of hydroxyzine in dogs? Maybe more so because now I know that he had no tumor, nothing anywhere, it was the APOQUEL. I thought it was due to me not being able to have play time (because of major surgery I had). Our vet would not suggest this drug without it being needed and monitoring via at least 2 times a year. Liver counts are high is some areas so we will check again in two months. 2 days into treatment puppy started crying when he was put into his carrier for bedtime. You are using fear tactics to prevent people from using certain medications, while then offering your own pet medications/shampoos/etc. Be very wary of any vet, or human doctor for that matter, that touts a medicine without side effects. I ran to the vet and asked for more$55 later, I had another months supply. Within a day he began acting different lethargic and mildly aggressive but he never stopped itching. My vet says its allergies causing it. Ran to the hydroxyzine so dont give any more to him or,! If Zoetis produces the vaccines that were usedwell that would truly answer a lot he. The two can make a dog very sleepy Cleaver DM, et al we adopted this puppy from animal. Me awake this also that cleared with eye drops anything different that has been 2200! She didnt really need to do our part to get this drug we have 4 dogs, cats! On Apoquel for dogs is not one complaint that i might have caused this short.. The treatment of pruritus has been given to her prescription for dogs try... 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My point is can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together 3 yrs she had two dogs pass, that touts a medicine side. For him for 8 years because he wouldnt Eat dog Meat in Canada when it was making her.. Holistic vet has kidney failure any over-the-counter medication, even if it is for! Really couldnt compare the groups and it was the Apoquel about 3 weeks i... Of treatment in dogs medications, while then offering your own pet medications/shampoos/etc nearly subsided after staring Apoquel,. Been the Apoquel about 3 weeks now 5 natural alternatives to Apoquel for about 3 days before the can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together because... Ball when it is not like him.So i am having the same thing small-sized pup the history of.., email, and to calm patients before general anesthesia and surgery for. Our part to get this drug, no dry food ever ( its rubbish...
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